Differences Between Methods and Methodology

Differences Between Methods and Methodology

While burning the midnight oil and writing a literature review, most researchers are confused by two similar-sounding terms: methods and methodology. These sections are the spine of the research.

Students and scholars in academic fields where research is part of their job description are uncertain about using these terms. In this blog, we will examine the difference between the terms and their advantages and disadvantages. So, let’s boost our knowledge.

Difference Between Method and Methodology

Research MethodResearch Methodology
A focus on the techniques and tools used to collect data.The overall strategy and the framework of the research.
Specific procedure and steps to collect information.Dealing with theoretical and philosophical knowledge.
The type of data collected and analyzed is determined.The researcher is guided to select the right research method.
Some of the methods are surveys, interviews, and observations.Some of the methodologies include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.
The description of the data collection and analysis.A systematic approach to conduct research.
Relation to the practical aspect of the research.The theoretical relation of research.
Specific to certain research projects and studies.Can be applied to different research projects and studies.
More concrete and tangible.More abstract and conceptual
To determine the readability and validity of the findings.The overall validity and soundness of the research are determined.

Advantages Of Research Methods:

Provides a research frame: Research methods pave the way to conduct research. They ensure that the data is collected and analyzed systematically. Therefore services like write my assignment for me or assignment writers choose proper research tools to collect data and analyze it. 

Increases credibility: The use of the methods to conduct research increases the credibility and reliability of the research findings.  Do My Assignment Help

Allows replication: A well-researched and documented research method allows other researchers to replicate the study. This contributes to the validation of results.

Can be compared: Using standard research methods, researchers can compare and contrast the findings across different studies.

Statistical analysis becomes possible: Methods like surveys and experiments provide data that can be drawn into graphs for statistical analysis. This provides meaningful insights into the data collected and the findings analyzed.

Flexible: Methods are flexible and can suit the needs of the study conducted. Researchers can modify and adapt the techniques if necessary.

The base for decision-making: The research methods provide the grounds to make informed decision-making in different fields like policy development and business planning.

Theory development support: Research methods play a role in the development and refinement of the theories by providing evidence.

Vast knowledge: Using diverse research methods, researchers can expand knowledge in their field of interest. It gives them a chance to discover new relationships and phenomena.

Disadvantages of The Research Method:

 The scope is limited: One of the limitations is the collection of specific data and its analysis. 

Potential bias: There is a chance that the researchers may introduce bias unintentionally. This happens in the selection and interpretation of the research methods.

Ethical consideration: There are some research methods, like experiments, that involve the presence of humans in collecting data. In such cases, it may raise ethical concerns. These need to be carefully addressed. Therefore, services like Do My Assignment Help Ireland or others in Dublin should try to incorporate those tools during the research that don’t need human figures in data collection.

Time-consuming: The time utilized in each method is not the same. Some methods are time-consuming to implement. This happens especially when we are dealing with large samples or the data is complex.

Costly: Researching large scale using methods can be costly. You might need significant financial resources to conduct that research.  

Lack of generalizability: The studies that are conducted on small sample sizes or in specific contexts cannot be generalized to larger populations or situations.

Limited access:  Researchers cannot use all research methods in their data collection. This limits their application.

Data limitations: The data collected from research methods is limited. Only certain aspects of the research questions can be answered. Therefore, there is incomplete data for analysis.

Merits of Research Methodology:

Promotes general perspective: It covers the entire research process, making sure that all the aspects are carefully integrated and considered.

Better research quality: Using research methodology, the quality of the studies reaches a new height. So when you hire services like online buy assignment services or online assignment writers, ask them to opt for a better research methodology to improve its quality.

Findings are contextualized: Theoretical framework and perspectives are used to narrate the research process, and findings can be contextualized.

Guideline for data collection: A proper guideline for collecting data is provided with the aim of obtaining relevant and reliable data.

A foundation for research ethics: Research methodology adds ethical considerations. This ensures that the studies are conducted following the set ethical and norms.

Demerits of Research Methodology:

Inflexible: Research methodology is rigid. It limits the ability of the researcher to explore emerging ideas and adapt to the evolving research questions.

Time-consuming: Selecting and implementing a methodology is time-consuming, especially when the study is conducted on a large scale or with a vast sample size.

High chances of errors: Lack of understanding or application of the research methodology leads to the chances of errors during collecting data, analyzing it, and interpreting it.

On-going learning: The researchers must be trained and familiar with the research methodologies. This is an act that is time-consuming and costly to some extent.

Complexity: Methodology may be complex, especially when dealing with statistical techniques at an advanced level or in interdisciplinary research.


Does Methodology Mean Method?

There is a difference between both terms. Methods are the practical tools that are used to conduct research. These include tools like surveys, experiments, and observations. Meanwhile, methodology defines the overall strategy and the framework of the research.

Is case study a method or methodology?
A case study is both a method and a methodology. However, it is commonly used as a methodology.

Is case study inductive or deductive?

Case studies are inductive. This means that researchers can conclude results based on the observations and evidence.

The Final Comment

Research methods and research methodology are closely related to each other.

Research methods are the tools and devices that are used to collect data. Whereas, research methodology is the strategy or overall framework that guides the conducting of research. The researchers must know the difference. Use appropriate research methods to advance their knowledge and bring positive change in their respective fields.

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